Leadership Aficionado

S2: E033 Self-Discipline



Aristotle once said “ Through self-discipline comes freedom “. Self-discipline is simply the ability to make yourself do things when you know you should, even if you do not want to do them. But why is this simple concept so hard? Because we as humans are naturally drawn towards pleasure, not pain. Our parents taught us not to touch fire. Education taught us that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Society teaches us to take the easy way out. But champions, mavericks, trend setters and pioneers do the opposite. They take the road less traveled, they think out of the box, they go where no man has gone before and they brake those chains that bind them. Self-discipline is painful emotionally and physically. You must flip the switch and re-wire your brain to embrace the pain of your struggle, work through it and let the pain be your oxygen that fuels you to get what is yours. You have to see it, feel it, work through it and want it more than you want to breathe.