Diamond Factory

15 6 22 Elizabeth Powers Psych K



Elizabeth Powers, Psych K Instructor! Imagine you could change destructive or fear based beliefs in 2-5 minutes. Things that make your blood run cold or send you into a rage, poof gone. Psych K does that, although changes can be immediate they often take a few days, weeks, or months to integrate. Psych K is a technique that gets to the root of an issue, digs it up, and overhauls it via the subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind governs over 95% of what we do, say, and think. This is why it’s so hard to make changes stick! Yes you can use Psych K for healing past traumas, but this call is going to be centered around wealth. Your beliefs about who you are and what you can achieve are reflected in your bank account, debt load, professional achievement, and leadership status. Are you where you want to be? If nothing is holding you back and you’re business is perfect, there is no need for this call. If you’re ready to shed old junk, be with us tomorrow night! Elizabeth has a special gift for you, 200 beliefs th