Anansi Storytime

S3: Don Quixote



Culture: Spanish Based on a story: The Ingenious Nobleman Mister Quixote of La Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra A story about the terrible and undreamt of adventures of a would-be knight errant and his errors on his errands. Production: * Producer - Scooter Mann * Writer - Thomas Sixten * Director - LJ Donnell * Lead Engineer / Sound Designer - David Allen * Engineer - Scooter Mann * Composer - Dayn Leonardson Players: * Chris G. - Don Quixote * Lynne Parsons - Squire * Max Baskin - Friar * Michelle Morrison - Lady * Thierry Barston - Storyteller * Verity Sainte Marie - Sancho Panza * William Wulf - Muleteer Special Guests: Chris G, David Allen, Dayn Leonardson, LJ Donnell, Lynne Parsons, Max Baskin, Michelle Morrison, Thierry Barston, Thomas Sixten, Verity Sainte Marie, and William Wulf.