Shameless Adventures

Episode 13: Rub This Marshmallow Fluff On Your Clam



In this episode of Shameless Adventures we discuss an e-mail from a listener that needs our advice. This listener needs help getting his wife back into the lifestyle after a serious life event caused a pause in their open-relationship momentum. Later we explain the concept of cupcake parties and tempt you with an invitation to the wildest Hedo takeover events available from Jon's Fluffernutters. It's almost New Year's Eve and in typical Michele and Chris fashion, we have no clue what we're doing. We share our social site of the week, insights into why we're so broke and how Chris ruined his own birthday. We also talk about arguments, relationship realities, how we're not perfect but why we think open relationships are still better than monogamous relationships. Now it's time for your opinion. What do you think of this episode of the podcast? Check out and @NakedUniversity our recommended Twitter Account of the Week.