Calvary Christian Church - Napa Valley

Unexpected Blessings - Audio



It doesn’t matter how crazy you’re life is. It doesn’t mater what your history or your background has been; God is still up to something good. “He works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose”...They didn’t have the complete Bible like we do; they didn’t have the New Testament. But if they could just fast-forward to when Matthew wrote his Gospel...Jesus came from the line of Judah, Judah from the mother Leah, whom Jacob didn’t even want. The Savior of the World was born out of a relationship of rejection. And if you’re ever feeling like a failure, if you feel like a reject, like no one cares about you; God has a plan to bring forth Jesus out of your life...the presence of God is with you. The presence of Jesus is with you out of your rejection, out of your frustration, out of your failure—God turns rejection into blessing.