Calvary Christian Church - Napa Valley

What's in a Name? - Audio



You know that names are significant. We as parents...have the right to name our children. And we are prophetically hearing from God and we are speaking over their lives a destiny. We are speaking what God is saying over their lives. There’s power in agreement with your name. Rachael named her last son out of her pain; she called him Ben-Oni — “son of my sorrow.” She named him what she was going through as she produced him; and she put that name on him. But Oni can also mean “strength”; it can also be translated “son of my strength.” And it’s interesting that the word can mean both “sorrow” and “strength,” because they seem completely opposite. But what if they weren’t so different? What if great strength is always borne out of great adversity? It could be that the strongest people that you meet in life have been through the most trials and they’ve overcome and they’ve pushed through and t