Calvary Christian Church - Napa Valley

The Power of Sarifice - Audio



“Sacrifice has power. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the spiritual power. As the Scriptures declare, all of creation was made for the Son and through Him, and in Him all things hold together. There is nothing in this universe as precious as the Son of God. Nothing greater could be sacrificed. That is why the cross is the very power of God (see 1 Corinthians 1:18). There is no power greater in this universe than what is available to us through the cross of Jesus” (Rick Joyner). “Today’s sacrifice releases tomorrow’s provision and privilege. Today’s humility releases greater grace for the future. What you do matters, and how you live determines, in part, your outcome. So stretch yourself in prayer, love, fasting, and acts of kindness. Sow some seed in desperation and faith, and watch God move in your behalf!” (James Goll).