David Allen Wizardgold's Posts

Report from the beach - New iPhone case arrived, Drafts app problems, iPhone chewing the battery up quickly



The battery of my iPhone is just not lasting today. So it is a good job I have an external battery coming so I can charge it up when I am out and about. Getting an extra charger too - One for carrying with me to use elsewhere and the other to leave beside the bed. Two more lightening cables - One for the car and one for connecting to the Mac. Now I am sorted. I should have been working on the book today - It is a non fiction book about how to beat writers block with technology and a good and geeky writers workflow. I have been testing out apps on my iPhone and iPad to use alongside the apps I use on the iMac so I have a funnel of ideas and words that go into the writers app Scrivener. Scrivener is the best place to do professional quality writing like a book or long articles. My book goes into depth with the testing I have been doing on outliner apps and getting the data moving in between specific apps on the way to Scrivener. Then in the last chapters I have the final workflow which works for me. I have it