Your Life Now Show With Coach Rea Wilke

The Concept in 2020 is FOCUS Happy New Year



Happy New Year! It’s a New Year, new opportunity to do things better. A chance for us to be better in our relationships, better in managing our time, better than the year before. It's time to start 2020 with the right momentum. Something to keep in mind that the right things happens only when we are focused, better prepared and ready to handle all the opportunities that come our way.  Today is the right day to start doing everything you can to improve your personal and your professional growth. Prepare to take full advantage of every opportunity so you can have an amazing year. Make 2020 your LUCKY year. Leave the negative thoughts and the superstitions behind you. It's the year to be lucky because you choose to make it so! So set your sail right and take advantage of the winds that you encounter on your journey! For more information, please feel free to contact us at:   YLN show with Coach Rea is intended to be for information purpose and thoughts provoking. If you choose to imp