Video Game Generations

Episode 102: #Octothorp



This week's feature is a new top-10 list of favorite female protagonists in video games. There's also a bit of discussion about future top-10 list ideas. Our Question of the Week for listeners is to suggest topics that would make interesting top-10 lists. Before that, in my pre-recorded segments, I review Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (PS4) and Submerged (PS4). Also included are my opening thoughts on Mad Max (PS4), Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed (Vita), Echo Night (PS1), and State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition (Xbox One). Addie's Mobile Game of the Week was a surprise to me. It's Clash of Clans (iOS), which has really captured her interest lately. She also briefly talks about Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii) and My Sims Party (Wii). I guess these notes are backwards, but before all that, it's news, new releases, and email. We're also happy to report that all three game prize bundles from episode 100 have been received by the winners. We're thinking of doing more give-aways in the future, but on a smaller sca