Israel In Translation

A circle of friends



Dalia Betolin-Sherman was born in Ethiopia in 1979. In 1984 she crossed Sudan by foot and immigrated to Israel with her parents and sister. Her short story collection, When the World Became White, came out in Hebrew in 2013. Host Marcela Sulak reads from one of its stories - “Circle of Friends” - translated by Ilana Kurshan. Adva stands there looking at herself in the mirror of the girls’ bathroom... Today she has a special hairdo in honor of the performance, and she examines it from all angles... The rest of the girls cluster around her and try to push their way in. Some of them stand on their tip toes, and climb over each other, but everyone gets only a small section of the mirror. We are last. We wait until they and the ordinary girls leave. We don’t bother with the hair that sprouts wildly from our heads in a “fro,” as the other kids call it. Find out what happens to Adva's beautiful hair during the performance...   Texts: “Circle of Friends,” by Dalia Betolin Sherman, translated by Ilana Kurshan. The I