Drinkin' With Lincoln

Drinkin' With Lincoln Episode 6: Laura Keyes: Telling the Untold



Drinkin’ with Lincoln continues. This episode’s guest is not the 16th president, but someone very close to him. Join host Clint Cargile as he interviews Mary Lincoln presenter Laura Keyes . Laura has portrayed Mary Lincoln for over a decade. She also portrays several other strong historical women: Laura Ingalls Wilder, Irene Adler, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. In part one, we join Mrs. Lincoln at a Civil War reenactment in Hainesville, Illinois. She’ll discuss her role at these events, how other living history presenters have helped her career, and how she has to battle a system that prefers male over female reenactors. We’ll also meet and hear musicians John and Elaine Masciale , who have inspired and encouraged Laura’s career. Elaine also introduces us to a pretty unique instrument. Then we travel to nearby Gurnee, Illinois, home to Only Child Brewing , where we sit down for drinks and discuss Laura’s career as a history presenter. She shares how she got started, the research and time