Neil Kinsey Fagan's Posts

Scribble Poetry Radio 29 April 2016



Welcome to this week's edition of Scribble the programme that brings to life the world of #Poetry and #Creative #Writing. On the show this week are: Alan Johnson, Bob Williams, Xanoxno Cespon, Gretl Freeson, Marco Castelijn, Judy Lairsmith, A.S. Minor, Joy Wilson Parrish, Michael R Justice, Christine Barker, Michael Gaigen and we have a tater for SCRIBLE4KIDZ with Karen King, Paul Griffiths and Greg Tin. Our thoughts this week are with Alan Johnson a good friend and colleague who is currently undergoing heart surgery. God speed! As usual if you are a poet or writer drop us a line and leave your work on our FB page at Or on our submission page On Google plus Poets Dream- Post here with our collaboration partner Scribble Radio Poetry Submission community. On Sound Cloud This programme is available as download from AudioBoom, Soundcloud and iTunes Podcast