Clever Combo

S4E7: Not That Card ... Discard!



Despite some recently printed cards of questionable power, Wizards knows not to print a few specific things these days. One of those things is instant-speed, targeted discard. Understanding why only requires you to know that as the inactive player, you receive priority during your opponent’s draw step, allowing you (if you have instant speed discard) the opportunity to lock them into an empty hand. Nothing intrigues us as brewers more than finding ways to play magic in single player mode, so if you’re playing Lydia this week, you may want to bring a book or some knitting. The key is adding instant speed timing to the existing sorcery-speed discard options. This means playing a full mainboard playset of Leyline of Anticipation, on top of everyone’s favorite (now) 3-mana planeswalker, Teferi, Time Raveler. As a backup, we’re running 2 copies of Emergence Zone as well. Most of the discard options are pretty straightforward, it’s simply a matter of picking the best mix available. Duress isn’t necessarily ideal (c