Marketing Group Therapy: Advice and Inspiration for Digital Marketing and eCommerce Professionals

Social Media Marketing and Employee Advocacy with Brian Fanzo - Marketing Group Therapy: Advice and Inspiration for Digital Marketing and eCommerce Professionals



Great employees make great companies. If you’re doing it right, your greatest asset is inside your doors already. They are your internal customers aka, your employees. I recently had a talk with Brian Fanzo (@iSocialFanz) of Broadsuite about how your employees can be a vital part of your social media marketing strategy. Employee Advocacy Engage your employees and let them be active participants in spreading your message. Use internal stories to relate with your community. Upcycling Content Take a great piece of content and utilize it across multiple social networks and in multiple formulas. For example, you could take a video or podcast and turn it into a blog post and then make an infographic and then make a slideshare. Of course you can share all of this across your social media platforms. You will reach a broader audience this way without the need to come up with tons and tons of new content. Getting Started with Social Media Marketing Set Goals Listen Use Social Listening and Productivity tools to make it