Kids Love Balloons

Episode 21: Osamah Sami



I will not tire of listening to this episode.On June 19th this year, my wife and I made our way to Federation Square to see some live music from acts we love - Felix Riebl and The Smith Street Band. Earlier, Tripod and Waleed Aly's Robot Child had performed. It was an event to launch Refugee Week and the MC was Osamah Sami.After hearing him speak for just a few minutes on stage, I knew I would invite him to the podcast. Not only for his wit and humour, but his unique story which has seen much suffering but also fantastic success. A refugee who moves to Australia as a teenager knowing no English couldn't possibly win literary & acting awards twenty years later?? What amazing things to do in your third language! If you put your heart & soul in to anything, the goal is possible. He knows the English language better than those who've used it their entire lives. Listening to this you'll hear remarkable poetry, a few whole-hearted f bombs, real laughter, stories of war, families divided and reunited, sporti