Kids Love Balloons

Episode 32: Michael Pope



As I say in my intro to this podcast - Michael Pope HAS entertained you, even if you aren't aware of it. If not as a host or actor in his own right from the 1980s to now, it's likely as a producer of The Price is Right or rallying up the crowd on Millionaire Hot Seat. You'll hear about his life in the Australian entertainment industry but also a few specifics of Millionaire, as that's where we got in contact in 2016. I was a contestant!In essence, his job has been to help us smile for decades. Michael is deservedly proud of this and is endeavouring to create further new ways to do so. If you're an aspiring host or MC, there are great tips here on learning your audience, overcoming nerves and even some advice for parents to be - like myself.If it's your job to make people happy, what makes you happy?Listen in to our conversation.​Michael also adds three songs to the Ever-growing Playlist of Joy. I'm absolutely staggered it took over 30 episodes to get where we finally arrive today.