Crime & Justice With Ashleigh Banfield

Jilted lover kills woman for texting ex? 2 toddlers die, cops doubt teen mom's story. Lice-infested kids in house of horrors? Where is missing Mollie Tibbetts?



Kristen Elizabeth Jones of Oklahoma was arrested for the murder of her roommate after police responded to a house fire and found the roommate's body dead inside the home. Investigators say that Jones had just ended her two-year relationship with her then-fiancé, and a fight allegedly broke out between Jones and her roommate, Miranda Pederson, over text messages Jones discovered between Pederson and Jones' ex-fiance. Investigators are now trying to determine exactly how Pederson was murdered. Amanda Hawkins, 19, brought her two daughters to a nearby hospital in grave condition, saying that they had collapsed while smelling flowers in the park. Police are now saying Hawkins' story doesn't add up, and that she actually left them in her SUV while she was visiting friends overnight. Hawkins is now being held in Burnet County Jail on two counts of endangering/abandoning a child. Mom Sara Resko is now facing six counts of child neglect after police found two of her children wandering the street-o