Reality Check With Craig Price

Episode 194 – Karin Hurt and David Dye – Winning Well



Karin Hurt and David Dye (@letsgrowleaders and @daviddye on twitter) join host Craig Price to discuss their management book Winning Well.  Being a manager is tough enough but inevitably something will come up that will try and beat you down on the job. Be it disloyal employees, bosses with no ability to self-assess themselves or just folks who can't give or take feedback well, something is always around the corner. With their new book Winning Well: A Manager's Guide to Getting Results---Without Losing Your Soul Karin and David have your back. This well written book details how to deal with issues with actual action plans not just fluffy best case scenarios. Craig, David and Karin talk about trust, respect and how to treat people so they remain productive. Craig brings up Charlie Sheen, bad bosses and how to overcome a breach in trust from upper management so it doesn't cause problems on the front line. You can find Winning Well: A Manager's Guide to Getting Results---Without Losing Your Soul at all your majo