Reality Check With Craig Price

Episode 199 – Phil Gerbyshak – Website Effectiveness



Phil Gerbyshak (@PhilGerb on twitter) returns to discuss website effectiveness with host Craig Price. We all have websites. Some spend thousands of dollars to have the latest and greatest sites with all the bells and whistles. And yet, they wonder why no one picks up the phone or emails them to make a sale. It might be because, while your site may look amazing, it doesn't really say anything or show off your talents, programs or expertise. Phil has teamed up with past guest Eliz Greene to create a training program called which helps businesses assess and develop better websites that close business and generates sales. Phil and Craig talk simple mistakes most websites make (contact info anyone??), the differences between lead pages and home pages, why keywords are important to the reader and how to generate traffic to the beautiful temple you have created online. You can find more about their program at and look4book (see what I did there?) later this month. APP BONUS