Reality Check With Craig Price

Episode 203 – Gray Bear Comics – Comic Books



Justin Corbett and George Tripsas of Gray Bear Comics (@GrayBearComics on twitter) join host Craig Price to discuss creating comic books. Fellow podcasters of the Comicpalooza Podcasting Partnership Program (that's a lot of "p" words!) Justin and George have joined forces to create the new comic book "Speak No Evil" due out in September. The two talk with Craig about how they came up with the story, how they gathered their international team of collaborators and what it took to get their kickstarter funded. The 3 cover lots of ground and Craig even gets a super secret preview of what their next graphic novel might be. "Speak No Evil" is available now for pre-order both in physical and digital formats. The book launches in September and you can learn more at  Justin co-hosts the ComicAL podcast and George can be hear on the Metal Geeks Podcast!