Reality Check With Craig Price

Episode 204 – Voices of Experience Interview – The Secrets of Podcasting



Steven Iwersen and Pilar Ortiz of this year's Voices of Experience podcast take the reigns and interview Craig Price on the Secrets of Podcasting. While Craig is away at this year's Influence conference in Phoenix, he offers up an interview he did for the National Speakers Association's Speaker Magazine's Voices of Experience. With the permission of the NSA, you can hear Steve and Pilar interview Craig on a wide variety of ways podcasting can help speakers.  There's no mystery to podcasting. Today, it's easier and cheaper to do than it was five or ten years ago. In fact, all you really need is a smartphone with a good mic and a pair of ear buds! Craig explains what he does and how to make it easier for you to start podcasting today. The 2015-2016 Voices of Experience was hosted by Steven Iwersen and Pilar Ortiz (@StevenI and @HabloEspanol on twitter).  You can learn more about them at and  You can hear the VOE monthly podcast at and you can join t