Reality Check With Craig Price

Episode 205 – Michael Domitrz – Can I Kiss You?



Michael Domitrz (@DateSafeProject on twitter) returns for more awkward conversation with host Craig Price about his new book "Can I Kiss You?" Ask anyone, even Craig himself, and they will say Craig isn't the smoothest talker in the world. When you add sex into the conversation, Craig can get even more flustered. All the professional speaker gloss and polish falls away and never has is awkwardness been more on display than this episode. Thankfully, Mike Domitrz is a friend as well as an expert on consensual sex. He deftly helps Craig navigate through the conversation that touches upon (with permission of course) consensual sex among married partners, archaic social rules that no longer apply yet still are, how parents can educate their kids and so much more that it makes Craig almost break out in hives. It is an important conversation that everyone needs to have which is why Craig is proud to be able to sit with Michael once again and discuss the topics that are often not talked about but should. You can get