Reality Check With Craig Price

Episode 208 – 2016 Speakers Roundtable



Mary Kelly, Jason Kotecki, Jessica Pettitt and Thom Singer (@marykellyspeaks, @escapeadulthood, @jesspettitt and @thomsinger on Twitter) join host Craig Price for his 2016 Speakers Roundtable. Each year, Craig gathers the best minds in the speaking industry to sit down during the National Speakers Association's annual convention (this year in hell...I mean Phoenix.) to discuss the state of the industry, what new things are happening, what issues are affecting the speaker population and whatever else may pop up. This year, Craig sat 4 talented past guests to discuss marketing and the resulting conversation covered so much more. They discussed capitalism, charity, tapping into your talents, differentiating yourself, referring other speakers and the hottest of topics...when during the podcast would Jessica swear. These panels are always the most requested episodes of Reality Check and this year is no exception.  Celebrate Craig's birthday by enjoying a gift he gives to himself and to you...his annual speakers ro