Goddesses Unite

How Menopause and Hormones are affected by Gut Health with Geraldine Dartnell - The Foodie Pharmacist



In this episode we talk to Geraldine, The Foodie Pharmacist about how our gut health affects our hormones and helps to create the living hell some women experience with menopause and hormonal changes.In this Podcast Geraldine explains what is happening to our hormones and bodies during these times.  How our environment, stress levels and diet play a big part in deciding how bad the symptoms we get are.  We learn how we can lessen the severity of our symptoms by concentrating on our gut health, our stress levels and the toxins we absorb in our everyday lives.  We also touch on insulin resistance, sugar highs and what we can do to find balance.For more information about the amazing work Geraldine does or to link up with her, you can contact her via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/thefoodiepharmacistau/ or via her website at www.foodiepharmacist.com.au