Goddesses Unite

How Gut Health affects Ageing with Geraldine Dartnell - The Foodie Pharmacist



In this episode we talk to Geraldine, The Foodie Pharmacist about how our gut health affects ageing and specifically premature ageing.  Ageing is something we cannot control, we will all age its the nature of being human.  However our gut health can cause us to age prematurely. We spend a fortune on "magic" cures for the outside, but what about the inside?In this Podcast Geraldine explains why some people age prematurely and how what we put into and on our bodies can cause that.  Ageing affects us in so many ways, not just our appearance but also our joints, muscles and brain functions.  The foods we eat, the chemicals we use and are exposed to are all a reflection on how we age!  We learn what oxidated stress is and how to balance it to stop the acceleration of ageing.For more information about the amazing work Geraldine does or to link up with her, you can contact her via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/thefoodiepharmacistau/ or via her website at www.foodiepharmacist.com.au