
Celebrations + Ritual, Part 1



An exploration of how celebrations, ceremony, and rituals enrich our lives. Imagining how to make the holidays 'holy-days' - days of presence, attention, and ritual. 'There’s a connection between numbering our days—marking them, noting them, being present to the season we’re in—and becoming wise. Celebration, or ceremony, and ritual helps us do that. It’s a way of marking the days. In the way a good beat of a live jazz song becomes the backdrop, or the lattice structure, of improvisation. Once you’ve established rituals that pull you in a moment of presence and soulfulness, you will be more free to create. We can think of ritual as a chosen, well-worn pathway that becomes more and more of a home, and the safer we feel, the freer we feel. So ritual is less a rut, and more a groove.' And an introduction to the Envision Planner: And announcing upcoming Utah & California events and a new Alter Journeys retreat in Tulum - February 19-23 @