Fall 2013 Shamatha And The Bodhisattva Way Of Life

54 Three spaces meditation and the four practices



Again returning to the three space meditation, this time front loaded with a readings from the Bāhiya Sutta and instruction from Sera Khandro Dewé Dorje, an accomplished yogini. Also references to the heart sutra - giving a range of ways to connect with this practice. Post meditation: Returning to the seven point mind training text and the next aphorism, "The best strategy is to have four practices." This refers to 1) accumulate merit 2) purify vices 3) make offerings to spirits. Looking back at Thomas Sprat's "History of Royal Society" in 1667 and what was occurring in Europe at the time, Alan talks at length about how it came about that science does not study spirits, even though scientific enquiry is meant to be open minded. Alan also shows Newton's influence on the view that we are internally filled with demons, the basis of modern psychiatry. Meditation starts at: A silent meditation session not recorded. Begins at 35.48