Fall 2013 Shamatha And The Bodhisattva Way Of Life

56 Continuation of commentary of "Scientific View" from 17th Century (Thomas Sprat) to nowadays



After el short introduction, we go into a silent meditation session on the three spaces. Right after the meditation, we go back to the theme of the "spirits". Alan talks about how scientific studies, from halfway through the 17th century up until now, have "dealt" with both internal and external spirits. He points out that a contemplative inquiry has been more and more ignored over this period, which ultimately yields a disenchanted Universe. At the end of the session, we go into the subject of spirits again, this time from Dzogchen perspective, quoting the Vajra Essence from Dudjom Lingpa. Finally, a story about spirits and nuns near the cave of Tilopa. Meditation starts at: Not recorded (silent meditation on the three spaces)