Ask Julie Ryan

Episode 179 – A Son’s Passing



This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie answers questions from a lot of callers. A woman from Louisville wants to know if her son died by accident or suicide and whether she helped him manifest his death. Julie connects with the deceased son and hopefully comforts his mom with her answers. Then Julie introduces Jamie Cressend who has just launched a new podcast called Own Your Energy. They discuss how after taking the Angelic Attendants Training class, Jamie has honed her energy healing skills and is now beginning a career in that field. Other callers ask Julie about TMJ, anxiety, buying a new home and an ER visit. Several callers want to talk about their dogs. One woman from Atlanta recently euthanized her dog and is heartbroken. She and Julie talk about signs her deceased dog is sending to let her know she is around her. It is a touching conversation. As usual, Julie provides lots of suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The sh