Podcast Inglês Online

Como digo em inglês: Ela fez pouco do meu problema



Hello! Hoje, no podcast, eu falo sobre idioms super comuns com as palavras light e lighten - não perca! Transcrição Hello! You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So you know when you tell someone about a problem that you're having, and then... they go ahead and make a joke about it? Or they think it's not that bad - maybe you're exaggerating. Doesn't sound that important! You happen to know all the particulars of the problem though, and therefore you're aware that it's actually kinda serious. That other person is making light of your problem. To make light of something means to treat something as if it were nothing. It's unimportant. Ok, maybe it has some importance, but it's not that serious. This is how someone sees that thing, if they're making light of it. They treat it as something... trivial. Maybe the other person doesn't mean to be disrespectful, of course. Maybe they just don't know or they don't un