Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Keep your options open



How's it going? Hoje, no podcast, eu falo sobre dois idioms comuníssimos no inglês, que tem a ver com as opções que você tem na vida. Se você está recebendo este episódio por email, clique aqui para ouvir o áudio no site. Transcrição How's it going? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So you know when you're sort of looking at your options for... something, whatever. Let's say you'd like to throw a big birthday party for yourself! So you've been looking at the options. Where to do it? There's your place, obviously, but let's say you live in sort of a quiet building, in a quiet neighbourhood, and you're afraid the music might get a little out of control, and some of the neighbours might want to call the police... so you're still thinking. Your place is an option. There's also the bar where you're a regular. You go to this bar after work, every other day, to have a beer and relax with your office mates. It'