Podcast Inglês Online

Como falo em inglês: Fica de olho



How are you? Hoje, no podcast, eu falo sobre mais duas expressões super comuns do inglês do dia-a-dia. Não perca! Transcrição How are you? You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, check this out: if you're receiving my message in your inbox (thanks for being a subscriber, by the way) then you probably keep an eye on your inbox for my messages, right? Otherwise, why would you be on the list...? So, when you keep an eye on something, that means you're focusing a little bit of your attention on it. It's like... you're aware that something's about to happen; you're aware that this cool newsletter you've subscribed to will be popping in your inbox shortly and for that reason you're keeping an eye on your inbox. Every time you fire up that browser window there's something in the back of your mind that tell