Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: Comfort food



How are you? No podcast Inglês Online de hoje eu falo sobre comida e dietas low-carb. Qual é a sua comfort food? Pense nisso ouvindo o podcast. Enjoy :-) Transcrição Hi, you guys, how are you doing? How's everything going? This is Ana with another episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Today I want to talk a little bit about food or, more specifically, about diets. Not as in dieting necessarily to lose weight, but diet as in... What you eat every day or what you normally eat for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner. I'm going to tell you something that I think not many of you know about me. I was a vegetarian for the longest time... Years and years and years. I would sometimes eat a piece of fish, but no meat, no chicken, no nothing for years. I am going to be honest with you: I loved it, I really enjoyed it, I really didn't miss meat and, to be honest with you, I had a great time being a vegetarian. But here's what happened. I just thought that I was missing the protein. One day I just kind of thought about it