Lace Em Up

Lace Em Up Ep. 29 "P4P Rankings of December"



Welcome back to another episode of Lace Em Up. This show is Calvin and Edwin's Pound For Pound list for the month of December. The fellas did their homework and studied hard to find out how their Top 10 list should pan out and with a lot of hard work.....they did it. So who made the cut?? Find out here on the latest Podcast Lace Em Up. Theres a NEW #1 on both of the boys list too. Tune in and find out just who made it to the top of the mountain. Chat it up with the boys on Twitter: Calvin: @Dreamchild21 and Edwin: @Docta_Boom. Also follow the show Twitter page: @LaceEmUp2. Make sure to check out the Lace Em Up Facebook page as well as their Instagram: leupodcast. Make sure to check out the website 1515Ave for more great shows and SHOP AMAZON!!! Were affiliates with them so go there and support the site. AND NOW....LETS ENTER THE RING!!