
Best Practices for Pharma - Patient Advocacy Partnerships



In this podcast, hear a panel discussion presented at the 2019 Patients as Partners EU conference on Best Practices for Pharma - Patient Advocacy Partnerships.  Pharma and advocacy representatives discuss: • Advocacy point of view on is what pharma is doing in clinical trials and medicines development truly patient-centric? • How can advocacy groups work with the pharmaceutical industry to improve the clinical trial process? • How can advocacy get their foot in the door at pharma? Pharma’s advice. • How can pharma and advocacy better work together? • Explore the value of pharma reps spending time at an advocacy office to better understand what they do • How can this partnership impact patients and medicines development? Moderator: Chris Macdonald, Head of Research, Pancreatic Cancer UK Panelists: Vanessa Pott, Director, Patient Advocacy & Strategic Partnerships, Merck KGaA Natasha Ratcliffe, PhD, Research Involvement Manager, Parkinson’s UK   The 4th annual Patients as Partners EU conference