Saturday Night With The Poet's Haven

Saturday Night With The Poet's Haven - Episode 3



Saturday Night With The Poet's Haven podcast, featuring open-mic performances from April 4, 2008 at Muggswigz Coffee and Tea Company; Christina Mayle - So Much, I'm Sorry, Whenever He's Near, Tonight; Tanisha Herrin - What's Happened to Me, Beauty of Nature in Springtime; Phyllis Lee - Bad Dream, Waiting for the Poem, Eating Buttons; JuzReal - What Do I C?; MUSICAL GUEST: Joe Sabatino - Part of Me; Dominica Sanchez - I Whine, Exodus, For Those Still Standing, Nursery Rhyme for a Narcoleptic Nation, Schooling, Tree View, untitled; Caroline Totten - Rose Hip Preserve, Night Music, Trying to Replace; TM Gottl - Out of the Desert; Michael Lee Johnson - Bread Crumbs for Starving Birds. RUNNING TIME: 29:49