Joel 2 Generation Podcast

Grace-Enabled 2.0 - Are we still SINNERS? Or are we SAINTS who can still sin?



Looking at Romans 5, 6, 7, 8 and briefly at the rest of of Romans. I explored these questions: What did we inherit from Adam? (What was/is "Original Sin"?) The Early Church differed from Augustine regarding this question. Who is Paul talking about in Romans 7 - himself and believers? Again, the Early Church had one view and Augustine introduced, or shall we say "invented" another view that the Reformers followed. Does the NT consider us "sinners" as Christians? These are extremely important issues and tragically, many Protestants have followed "traditions" for their answers. Martin Luther, was the originator of the concept of the Saint/Sinner dual identity. This message takes on these "traditions of men" and calls us back to the Biblical, Apostolic understandings.