#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

Clairaudience 4 Things You Should Know!



ARE YOU CLAIRAUDIENT? I had a good question the other day. They wanted to know how to connect with their guides audibly, with her outer ear, and more frequently. I get asked this a lot, and I think it's a good question, so I thought I'd do a podcast on it.  There are really four things you should know about being clairaudient. 1) Clairaudience is not something you can develop, it's an ability you are born with. You either have it or you don't. If you don't, you've most likely been born with some other cool tools you can use just as effectively. 2) It's not the communication tool of choice for spirits or spirit guides. But I will tell you what is. 3) In order to communicate with spirits you train yourself how to "tune in" to another dimension. The spiritual realm. Normally they don't come to your house, you need to go to theirs. 4) Training eventually becomes necessary. At some point most students "max out" their self taught capabilities. This is usually where people get "stuck". If you're interested in