Dimelo Northwestern

Second GenerAsian #6: Memories from Abroad



Episode Notes Episode Description: Summer’s over and we are officially back! Sophia, David and Hannah (along with special guests Carl Morison and Jakob Lazzaro) talk about studying abroad in Asia in the latest episode of Second GenerAsian! Sophia Lo: Hi and welcome back to... All: Second GenerAsian. Sophia: I'm Sophia. David Deloso: I'm David. Hannah Julie Yoon: And I'm Hannah. David: And for those of you who are new, this is our podcast where we talk about our Asian American identity... Hannah: And also generally what it's like to be an Asian-American Northwestern student. Sophia: So today, since this is our first episode back from the summer, we're going to talk about what we did over the summer, more specifically study abroad programs. David: So for this summer, I studied abroad in Beijing, China through a Northwestern program. I was studying poli-sci and Chinese language. And it was one of the best two months of my life. So many awesome memories, I met so many cool people and it really made me intereste