Vince Sandlin Podcast - Edm

Vince Sandlin PodCast - Episode 3 - April 17, 2009



Hello everyone! I promised a 'BONUS' episode and have just completed it; just 2 weeks after the last posting. I wanted to get another one to all of my friends because Episode 4 may be a little delayed due to a personal Vacation! The truth is that I had SOOOO MUCH good quality music set aside that I could not wait to begin work on another Episode. I had some good ideas and wanted to jump right on them; before I forgot the idea! LOL If you know me, you know that I can procrastinate! Still working on the Podcast Tag or Intro so not much changed with this one. This Episode starts off extremely melodic, but doesn't take long to get right to business! You will for sure be taken on a quiet journey here all the while you might find yourself pumping your hands in the air! HA! This Episode's trademark 'classic' is 'Alone Tonight' might like what I've done to it; what a great tune! Well, I hope you all like this Episode and would love to hear some feedback. I am off to a Vacation....BON VOYAGE!! Vince