
Improving T Cell Therapies via Next Generation Technologies



The pipeline of adoptive T-cell therapies and other cell based immuno-oncology programs continues to expand with a number of modifications and improvements to the first generation programs. These platforms include improved spcificty and delivery - including non-viral platforms, targeting of multiple antigens, editing constructs, and a variety of strategies to address toxicity and the tumor microenvironment. This panel of experts, moderated by Dr Gbola Amusa, Chardan and recorded at the 5th annual Immuno-Oncology 360° Summit, will consider the major technical and clinical improvements to cell based IO therapeutics that will lead to more durable therapies and the ability to treat both liquid and solid tumors. Panelists include: Dr Robert Ang, Neon TherapeuticsDr Usman "Oz" Azam, TmunityMichael Dombeck, Precision BioSciencesDr Aiman Shalabi, GSK Save the date for the 6th annual IO360° Summit on February 26-28, 2020 at the Crowne Plaza Times Square in New York City. Learn more at