Warrior Women With A Purpose

Episode 61 Misdiagnosed with Leukemia Led Me to My Life's Purpose with Lyn Delmastro-Thomson



A Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and a catalyst for healing and transformation among women living with chronic illness, as well as professional women who are burning the candle at both ends and who are ready to take make their health a priority. Lyn is author of "You Are Not Your Diagnosis" and an inspirational speaker. How her body had to resort to screaming to get her attention because she wasn't listening How being diagnosed with chronic illness was one of the best gifts she could have received How sometimes it takes a cosmic two-by-four to the head to step out of fear and into one's purpose Receiving the wisdom and lessons from scary experiences and how to listen to the body when it is talking to us You Are Not Your Diagnosis  on Amazon  Link: http://a.co/5GQwJfK https://bodytalkportland.com/ https://www.facebook.com/heartfirehealingpdx/