Number One Comic Books

Bonus Episode: Stealth Hammer Kickstarter with Ryan Drost



Brian and Joe Stark talk with Ryan Drost of the Star Joes podcast about his new Kickstarter project an all ages comic book Stealth Hammer.                      The goal of the Kickstarter is to create the first issue of a true all-ages comic (meaning something anyone of any age can read and enjoy, not just for kids). Once that is produced, I’ll be looking to shop it around to hopefully be picked up and create a series. The Kickstarter will fund the costs for the artwork (all done by new amazing artist Alexandra Scott, currently artist on web comic Woven), the printing, costs to produce some of the rewards, and to cover taxes on the income. I’m receiving no income from this campaign. The comic will be a 22 page story. There will be a stretch goal that will allow for the 5 page Kickstarter story to also be printed in the first issue. There will be a variant cover by Robert Atkins, and a pinup in the interiors done by Shannon Gallant.                          The elevator pitch of the story: