Outdoor Adventures With Jayson

Ep 087: Judy Usunier of Big Grass Outfitters talks bear hunting



In this episode, I get to talk with Judy Usunier of Big Grass Outfitters. (biggrassoutfitters.com) a bear and waterfowl outfitting service in Manitoba, Canada. Big Grass Outfitters provides full accommodations for bear and waterfowl hunting. Judy and her husband Tom maintain active baits for spring and fall bear hunts. While there is no guarantee of seeing a color phase black bear, in Manitoba you have a high chance of seeing one. You can connect with Big Grass Outfitters on Facebook (@biggrassoutfitters), Twitter (@biggrasslady), and on Instagram (@biggrassoutfitters). Contact on their website on the Contact page or by phone at 204-773-3686 or by email at biggrass@xplornet.ca