Brian & Sherri 4.0

Recording Artist Joel Crafton



  Hello everyone and welcome to another exciting show! Tonight we have a lot to talk about including our saltue to Scotland! National Tell a Joke Day and much more. We will be also talking to International Recording Artist Joel Crafton.  Joel Crafton Artist producer writer arranger singer piano player gained musical headlines at an early age singing in church and becoming one of the main ministers of music and called to sing solos at church revivals. As years of experience begin to take shape, the record and producer deals started knocking at door, gaining American Music Award attention and production in a Kodak commercial. Joel Crafton was signed with EMI / PANORAMIC RECORDS. That was under the same umbrella as “Ray Goodman and Brown” Joel Crafton gained powerful international recognition for the song “She’s Sleek She’s Fine” a Disco Hit song in the 1980’s that opened up the door that made Joel Crafton president of EMPIRE MUSIC ORGANIZATION. Releasing – the song LET’S GET BUSY, We Found True Love This Time