Rainbow Soul

Bedtime Stories with Aunt Jewel , Preparing for the Holiday & Guests



Aunt Jewel Bedtime Stories, Preparing for Holiday FamilyGatherings How are we suppose to Act, when Company comes to Visit?  Sharing, Caring and being on Best Behavior, Is this going to be Fun? Parents, families and Friends start in Creating and Building moral character in children, so that they are  responsible caring people using life lessons in  teaching; humility, respect, honesty, courage and generosity.   Join Aunt Jewel Bedtime Stories on Sunday evening at 9:00 (EST) 0r 6:00 (PCT) to get the Kids to bed Early.  They & We need our Rest :) Listen to Stories and Sing Songs with  the audience.  Tune in Children, Moms, Dads, Nana, Poppi and others.   Call in and be part of the Aunt Jewel Bedtime SHOW (914)338-0695.