Wrestling House Show

WHS #48 - Fear No Evil



Mere days before the 24th anniversary of Wrestlemania Joey and chris try to get themselves (and you the listener) psyched up for the big event by providing a preview of Wrestlemania 25. They run down all of the matches announced by picking winners, analyzing story developments and even try to predict what could (or should) happen at the show. They also get excited about the entire weekend's events including back to back Ring of Honor shows in Houston that look amazing, Booker T's Charity Fan Fest and who the WWE denied from attending, and whether or not WWE Fan Axcess is worth going to. All this plus more pole talk, booking Sid's return, and Joey offers to give YOU his cell phone number. Really! Intro song: "Now is the Time" by Dope from the album "Group Therapy" Outro song: "The Streak" by Ray Stevens from the album "Boogity Boogity" Also included: "Sabre Dance" composed by Aram Khachaturian All songs are available on iTunes Show them that podcasting sells records!