Tales Of Corwin

Chapter Four: Storm Warnings (Part Two)



Tuesday evening was Church Council night. When Mark arrived at the meeting, the room was already full of Church Council members. The meeting was held in the “parlor” of the church: a homey, smaller room just off the Fellowship Hall. The parlor housed a collection of odd sofas, chairs, and coffee tables; there were also two bookcases full of old Bibles and hymnals, and a fireplace that no one could remember ever having used. Eleven council members were already present, sitting in a loose circle. As soon as Mark sat down, Lynn Gertzig, the Moderator, called the meeting to order. Mark was asked to open the meeting with prayer; the minutes of the previous meeting were passed around and approved; and then it was time for the pastor’s report. Mark started by going over his logs for the past month, and then moved on to his plans for the month to come, up to the first Sunday of Advent. Then came the hard part. “So now,” he said, “I guess I need to tell you all about a change in my personal situation. This is sort of