The Simon Lovell Show

The Judgement Challenge To Positively Impact Relationships #EP6



Simon sets you a challenge to help get over your social anxieties, get out of your own negative thoughts, and take action.   0:45 - Intro 1:10 - Today Simon is sat in his car to record this episode. He's about to go to an Improv class. 3:05 - Simon talks about his experience wanting to connect with someone, but building up negative thoughts. 6:05 - Ask yourself: "Is what I am thinking true?" 7:45 - Conversations that are locked in the moment and not resolved stop important relationships from growing. 8:20 - If you've got anyone right now that you need to resolve a situation with, or you're unsure of something with them, just message them. 10:00 - Until you've sat down with someone for a couple of hours to get to know them, do you really know that person? Then how can you make judgements? 11:05 - If no-one came to mind that you need to contact, do it the next time a situation comes up. 12:15 - Outro.